WHY CHOOSE US.. The answer lies in the way we are structured – our goal is not money making alone, but with the intention to provide service. Concierge medical treatment services and best in class treatment, at a lower cost. This drives us and guides our moral compass to keep us apart from our competition, which is mainly driven by higher profits by targeting a single hospital facility.

Tailored Treatment
Our patients are able to choose the treatment plan and the facility, based on their particular medical needs and personal situation. This empowers their care givers and removes stress.
Expert Advise
Our patients receive expert advise from specialist doctors, who are able to give their expert opinion from the get go, instead of getting advise from call center reps. We filter the patient queries directly to our team of specialists.
Concierge Service
Our goal is to provide concierge medical services to our patients and their care givers, so that we save time and money in misdiagnosis and treatment. In many cases, patients loose precious time, which could mean life or death in many cases by going to the facilities which may not be the best in class for a particular medical illness.