Get concierge medical care at affordable cost at world class medical facilities in India.
Below is how we take care of our patients from start to the end of treatment.
Step 1. Initial Contact
The patient or their care givers contact us via WhatsApp or email or the Contact Us form, expressing their medical condition and seeking help.
2. Medical Evaluation
Our team of experts and specialist doctors will evaluate your medical condition and provide feedback.
You may have one or more video conference appointment setup with your specialist in this stage.
3. Treatment Options
Based on your medical condition, your specialist’s evaluation, and your specific requirements, our team will then provide you with treatment plan options that you can choose from. We have partnered with several top tier hospitals, to be able to provide our patients with multiple choices.
4. Medical Transcripts
Medical transcripts transfer, home country doctor cross check are done next. Medical facility visit and registration appointment is also confirmed during this time.
5. Travel and Logistics
After you have successfully booked your treatment plan with the hospital, we move to the logistics phase, where we get your personal travel document details from you and get your medical VISA, flight tickets, lodging near the hospital, transportation, food etc worked out for you. Of course you have choice here as well, based on your need and budget.
6. Arrival in India
When you land, we will have our representative pick you up from the airport and get you settled into your hotel. Next day you will arrive at the airport with our rep. and we get you checked into the hospital, for your treatment to begin. From here onwards, we are in constant touch with your care giver or you, to facilitate in any way necessary. We also have translators available as and when needed to assist you.
7. Post treatment – Follow up
Once your treatment is over, we give you ample of time to rest and recoup, as much as needed. Any follow up after the discharge is also taken care of, from transport to accompanying you to see your Dr.
8. Return Home
When you are discharged and covered from your surgery and ready to go home, we help you wind down and provide assistance with follow up visit appointments, medical reports etc.
9. Holistic Wellness
Some of you may want to visit the diverse landscape of wholistic treatment facilities, Yoga and physical therapy centers and spiritual ashrams that this mystical land has to offer. We can arrange this as per your wish and also help with transportation and bookings, so that you get into a trusted partner hand, when you leave our care.